*Obama’s VP Joe Biden promised mandatory microchip implant Supreme Court ruling

Posted: September 9, 2008 in 2008, Articles, Videos
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The full paragraph Biden used:

BIDEN: And we’ll be faced with equally consequential decisions in the 21st century.

Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person’s body to track his every movement? There’s actual discussion about that.

You will rule on that — mark my words — before your tenure is over.

Can brain scans be used to determine whether a person’s inclined toward criminality or violent behavior?

You will rule on that.

The important thing is that This wasn’t an actual question (it was more of a lecture), and now Chief Justice Roberts didn’t answer the ‘question’. Listen carefully. Biden promised that would happen.

  1. […] *Obamaā€™s VP Joe Biden promised mandatory microchip implant Supreme Court ruling Ā« Ignorance Is Fu… BIDEN: And weā€™ll be faced with equally consequential decisions in the 21st century. […]

    • ”’SeƱor tengo el honor de dirigirme a su distinguida persona por el siguiente
      Yo fernando arakaki miranda nacido en el Brasil, y soy nacionalizado boliviano.
      Por tener ascendencia japonesa viaje al JapĆ³n donde he vivido exactamente
      desde el 1de junio de 1992, hasta el 1998. En ese lapso de tiempo que
      estuve viviendo en el JapĆ³n fui usado con la tecnologĆ­a cibernĆ©tica mĆ”s
      avanzada, a travƩs de implantes de microchips cerebral en contra de mi
      voluntad, sin mi consentimiento.
      Estos implantes tienen la capacidad de recoger, guardar, transmitir los
      pensamientos, sensaciones, sentimientos he inclusive pueden ver a travƩs de
      mis ojos, con la tecnologĆ­a cyborg mas avanzada llamada SOUL CATCHER 2025,
      con esta telepatĆ­a artificial pueden hablarme directamente al cerebro,
      controlando hasta en mis sueƱos. Esto significa que he sido usado como
      conejo de laboratorio y ahora estƔn tratando de destruir mi cerebro usando
      armas de radiaciĆ³n electromagnĆ©tica que es tortura cerebral, formando grupos
      de personas para hostigarme dĆ­a y noche tratando de acallar y que este
      crimen quede impune. Estos criminales viven, trabajan solo para destruir a
      los seres humanos. Estos actos inhumanos no tienen excusas, son sin Dios ni ley.
      TambiƩn usan la mentira engaƱando a la gente con calumnias en mi contra
      tratando de aislarme, es la forma de crear al paranoico esquizofrƩnico y
      para este fin hemos contado veinte seis delitos de los que estoy siendo
      victima, entre los cuales tenemos: Amenazas, asociaciĆ³n delictiva,
      chantaje, injurias, tentativa de homicidio, daƱos a la salud, daƱos
      psicolĆ³gicos, discriminaciĆ³n, allanamiento, robo, etc..
      Estos son algunos de los delitos que estƔn usando para encubrir este
      avasallamiento en la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
      Estoy siendo estudiado por universidades de este paĆ­s como un conejo de
      indias por la novedad de este implante de la tecnologĆ­a avanzada que mucha
      gente ignora en paƭses de tercer mundo, estƔn violando mis derechos humanos
      en toda su magnitud.
      SeƱor como usted puede ver se trata de vejamen, lesa humanidad y estas
      injusticias son sancionadas por la OrganizaciĆ³n de Naciones Unidas (O.N.U),
      y los Derechos Humanos del mundo entero, por que el ser humano tiene derecho
      a la vida, la libertad, y el derechos de buscar su felicidad.
      Esto no quiere decir que estƩ en contra de la ciencia, si no que al ser
      humano se debe respetar en su integridad fƭsica, mental, parece que se estƔn
      olvidando de Dios y de sus principios.
      Esta denuncia que hago publica es pensando en las victimas que han sido
      acalladas inhumanamente y esos crĆ­menes han quedado impunes.
      SeƱor espero usted comprenda mi situaciĆ³n, necesito su colaboraciĆ³n para
      hacer pĆŗblico este atropello y asĆ­ poder llegar a un juicio internacional con
      justicia, pidiendo resarcimiento de daƱos con una indemnizaciĆ³n justa,
      ejemplar a travĆ©s de las vĆ­as legales.–~~~~
      Para mĆ”s informaciĆ³n mi numero de telĆ©fono es 711-46451 y mi casilla de
      correos es: nandounico1@hotmail.comferny515@hotmail.com
      nandounico1@yahoo.es ……. Buscar en google: fernando arakaki miranda —
      Para mas detalles buscar en google las siguiente paginas: weapons implants
      psychotronic torture, soul catcher 2025, mind control forum, victims
      implants mind radiation, implantes cerebral voces mental —
      Se despide agradecido fernando arakaki miranda.

    • Jacki says:

      This is sad that the prophecy is soon starting and going to happen. There will be no way to stop them because itā€™s already been writing in the scriptures. The only thing we can do is accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and not allow having any microchip to be inserted in you. The government will bring up excuses that the microchip will help for medical purposes or can help reduce of missing children…. Please donā€™t get this chip implanted in your body, this will be the mark of the best (Anti-Christ). If you choose this you will be doomed for eternity in hell.
      ā€He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.ā€ Revelation 13:16-17

  2. […] VP Joe Biden promised a Supreme Court ruling on mandatory ā€œVerichipā€ implants for the US […]

  3. don muntean says:

    Interesting as I have already been implanted and now I get no answers – please visit my protest website:


    • Reality says:

      oh p-fucking-lease! get a life! reality check…no implants have occurred nor are they going to.

      if the aliens performed anal testing on you, and implanted a chip, then have fun with that.

      btw, your reality alarm clock is going off, you’ve been away FAR too long.

      • Itisveryreal says:

        It is very real. I have been implanted and it is a very horrible experience. I wish I could explain to you just how horrible. I have burns all over my body. My friends and family are no longer to be trusted. I can not go anywhere to feel safe. I can never have another private conversation ever again. It is the most horrible thing to ever have happen to you. I hope you never have to find out just how real this is, but believe that it can happen and pray that it never does to you.

  4. […] what do you make of forced implants of microchips? Big Brother Brain Scanners to detect pre-crime *Obama’s VP Joe Biden promised mandatory microchip implant Supreme Court ruling « Ignorance Is… "A debt-based society cannot prosper and is doomed to fail…" ~ Ron […]

  5. D. J. says:


  6. Jabari says:

    PLEAE DONOT GET THIS CHIP IMPLANTED ANYWHERE ON YOUR BODY.THIS IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST.IF YOU ARE SMART ENOUGH YOU WIL CHOOSE NOT TO AND NOT HAVE TO BE DOOMD IN HELL FOR ETERNITY.THE BIBLE CLEARLY SAY”He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.ā€ Revelation 13:16-17″

  7. eddie monaghan says:

    it wont happen because of the cancer it will cause.i think it is a certain doom.mabey they will put cameras in your shit bowls next,to see what color your shit is.there plans will fail as hitler did!

  8. Jodi Ojeda says:

    The actual scripture when translated correctly is “And he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark “IN” their right hand or “IN” their foreheads.
    As you can see, one letter in a 2 letter word makes a big difference! “ON” verses “IN”. We need to be aware so that one is not looking for a mark that is “ON” all the while allowing something to be placed “IN”.
    A little fact about the forehead and the back of a hand…These two places are easily accessible to other’s and they have the thinnest layer of skin. Putting a microchip in a fatty area of the body would allow the chip to get lost in the tissue. However, in the forehead and hand, it is easy to confine the chip to that one area without risk of losing it. Not to mention, if someone try’s to remove it (cutting it out) the scar will be clearly evident. Much of Revelation’s is coming about and we all need to be cautious and aware of everything that takes place around us!
    Please note that King James version is the most accurate translation of the Holy Scriptures. There are many places throughout other translation’s where there are innaccuracy such as the “IN” and “ON” in Revelation’s 13:16
    God Bless us ALL!

  9. sarah says:

    its already happening they are already using the ‘think of the children’ speech and that lying scum obama will convince everyone of his midless ‘yes we can!’ coconut clashing followers thats its a great idea and its all about safety and security and to stop those nasty terrorist that dont exist and nobody will dispute him because they will be branded as communists or terrorist and that will be the end of it
    read goerge orwells 1984. its all in there

  10. Lisa says:

    I agree it is not good at all and it will happen. I read Mary K Baters book on, “Hell is real” and she wrote it many years ago. Near the back or end of the book she tells all about it, what the Lord showed her the Anti Christ would do, wow its here its comming to pass!!! If you don’t believe me get the book and see for yourself. A lot sooner than I had hoped. So for those of you out there who believe be looking for the rapture and No people we are not going to be abducted by aliens which that will be the lie that will probebly be going around. The rapture is the catching up of the rightous to go be with the Lord while the AntiChrist has his way with those left down here who did not believe, but only for a season!

  11. David says:

    I have to say, the implants are not right and are most certainly not what God had planned for this world to come to however, he knew that is what would happen. They may become a part of life and they may even become mandatory but I will NOT have one. I would encourage everyone to search deep within and pray fervantly asking God for guidance during these days because we ARE nearing the end… Time is short… I beleive that this implant is nothing short of the mark of the beast!

  12. chinedu says:

    there is no doubt about it,that obama and biden will use that there nasty slogan,yes we can to chip humans

    • Linda says:

      a reply to your comment on-line about the microchip implant. I don’t think that Obama and Biden will help rule on this in any way. However I feel that they are against this implant….because it also can take away power from the white house and it could be done to them first….because they are knows many secrets and will not always be in the white house…It is in their best interest to rule against it…It could turn for the worse.. Microchip implant is a mark and I don’t feel that obama or Biden would be willing to accept…so why should anyone else? or to make it legal? If you not willing to accept one yourself…..It not good…things will get out of control….It evil….

  13. chinedu says:

    iam calling on all the people that are faithfull to YAHWEH to rise up against this criminals that have already started michrochiping humans.

  14. will says:

    So is this hidden deep in the coffers of obamacare?

  15. Linda Walker says:

    I am so happy to see people are standing up informing others not to get a microchip. What if you received one with your permission nor your knowledge for no legal reasons and did not committed a crime to cause it, but was done for someone personal gains (issues)? I feel that the law enforcements should move in on this issue because it is a crime. However some law enforcements are taking part on this crime for power reasons. People are lie and deciting others in order to have this microchip/or & implant device performed on an humans without cause, knowledge nor permission….I do agree when you say do not accept this device it is against God will for our life. However, if it was done without your knowledge nor permission you are the blamless one. God will not hold you responsible for that, some other people have to accountable for their action…Keep puting the issue out there because it is happing a lot more than you know and if Americans dont get this matter in control it will get out of hands….That is not a good thing…

  16. Linda Walker says:

    I am so happy to see people are standing up informing others not to get a microchip. What if you received one without your permission nor your knowledge for no legal reasons and did not committed a crime to cause it, but was done for someone personal gains (issues)? I feel that the law enforcements should move in on this issue because it is a crime. However some law enforcements are taking part on this crime for power reasons. People lie and deciting others in order to have this microchip/or & implant device performed on an humans without cause, knowledge nor permission….I do agree when you say do not accept this device it is against God will for our life. However, if it was done without your knowledge nor permission you are the blamless one. God will not hold you responsible for that, some other people will be accountable for their action…Keep puting the issue out there because it is taking place today in american. If America dont get this matter in control it will get out of hands….That is not a good thing…

  17. Linda Walker says:

    I am so happy to see people are standing up informing others not to get a microchip. What if you received one without your permission nor your knowledge for no legal reasons and did not committed a crime to cause it, but was done for someone personal gains (issues)? I feel that the law enforcements should move in on this issue because it is a crime. However some law enforcements are taking part on this crime for power reasons. People lie and deciting others in order to have this microchip/or & implant device performed on an humans without cause, knowledge nor permission….I do agree when you say do not accept this device it is against God will for our life. However, if it was done without your knowledge nor permission you are the blamless one. God will not hold you responsible for that, some other people will be accountable for their action…Keep puting the issue out there because it is taking place today in america. If the United State of American dont get this matter in control it will get out of hands….That is not a good thing…

  18. Daniel says:

    Has anyone read a little book called the bible hmm sounds like the fore runner for revelations 13 –where they have a mark in thier right hand and in thier fore head…hmmin the head….and they could not sale nor buy with out this mark!

  19. Heather says:

    Lord come quickly!

  20. sam says:

    Do you relly need a fucking religios text to understand that it is all bad then you are just nuts,religion is the shit that got us to where we are!!!!!!!!!

    • Anti Micro Chip says:

      When are people going to wake up and and stop letting congress & Obama control our every move? We are Americans!! this is MY body, MY health, MY freedom!

    • Luv N Him says:

      The Lord promised these things would take place. I pray you will look to Him for your salvation! Really, what do you have to lose by doing so?

  21. They are already chipping people without their permission. Look up mind-control or go to http://www.us-government-torture.com
    If you suddenly get a ringin or a droning going through your head and you have an inexplicable “cyst” that doesn’t quite feel like a cyst, you’ve probably been chipped for being too heady about things. And if you are being electrically tortured, the psychiatrists just try to get into your head and recommend taking their pills. I have something in my left wrist that feels like it could be a computer chip and several months ago I had this ringing and this droning going through my brain. My body is constantly in pain because of the electromagentic response. THIS IS HAPPENING. But God is going to punish the people who are responsible for the NWO. I know He will. He promised, and clearly, God doesn’t break His promises.

  22. Lance says:

    The technologies to place a ‘mark’ either ‘on’ or ‘in’ human beings already exists. Nano technologies have been developed that make this possible. It appears not a question of ‘if’ human beings will be required to receive a ‘mark’, but when. Humanity is already being prepared to accept this. Will these technologies be used to verify identity in the global electronic commerce system? Will one’s ability to ‘buy or sell’ be tied into these technologies? Sure looks that way. One more thing. A nano scale electronic ink ‘tattoo’ is actually a wireless transmitter/receiver. Once implanted in a human this device will allow ‘always on’ communications between that human and ‘godlike’ artificial intelligence. Might this be the ‘abomination that makes desolate’ spoken of in the Holy Bible? Looks that way as well.

  23. Megan says:

    The “mark” of the beast, we need a prayer for this country…Has the government lost their minds? We are not dogs, I BET NONE OF THEM HAVE TO GET THIS CHIP NOR THEIR FAMILIES. What happened to our Rights and freedoms?

  24. Neil Hiebert says:

    I am glad to find you are also involved in educating the people.
    We have an opportunity to save people, solve problems and build a fairer economic and representative government and all our leaders seem more interested in money and power.
    Keep up the good work.

  25. chuck says:

    Already seeing commercials for rfid on t.v. Mandatory implantable chip in the obamacare healthbill. Their goal is one world gov’t, one world religion and total control of all individuals for taxation and depopulation. Their exists an evil entity that is shaping events so that everyone will worship him instead of God. Beware of vaccinations of any kind and remember that there are forms for opting out for your children at school. Microchipping is just the start of loss of liberties, eventually these chips will be linked to banking and every employer will electronically pay you through this technology. If your behind on your taxes it will come right off of your account automatically. This will squash any form of under the table work because money will be phased out as antequated. Beware Bill Gates he is at the fore-front of depopulation through vaccinations, not to mention GMO foods from Monsanto, his latest acquisition

  26. I cannot believe that this is really happening its so out of this world.I mean yeah I believe that this has already been prophesied but why is this only evident on this site? I’ve never seen any of this on T.V. or heard from it from friends or family. This is hard to swallow and deserves some looking into. BTW “religion” is the cause of many closed minded ideals which is why i dont believe in “religion” but rather a relationship with the almighty. you can drink coffee “religiously” lol and like any relationship it has its ups and down …we dont lie our faith in men or governments/leaders but rather in the one person who has never let us down ,man is fickle but nothing is impossible for god which is why a faith based and well read/counciled person of god knows the that our savior is coming and what to do in end times such as described in the word of truth…. dont conform to others false doctrines or beliefs and stand on his word this is it guys.as a whole we must come together in order to keep from being decieved! god bless and hold fast! we were not given a spirit of fear…

  27. plz give others hope and guidance as we need each other in order to get through these these,the end times!

  28. RD says:

    Electrical devices are harmful for health, if the unit cracks because its made out of glass its electrical components have a poison, for this unit to be matched with the mark of the best it has to be more advanced, we are a long way off.

    The rapture is coming, guys resit this chip and you have your reward in heaven, your be glad if you did, who cares if you cant buy or sell, by that time the world means nothing to me, as far I’m concerned my task is over when this chip is mandatory, I don’t care what they dish out on me they are not going to touch my body the temple of God.

  29. RD says:

    best = beast sorry typo.

    the system has to be more advanced to match the mark of the beast, currently it does not match to the system that is said in the bible, its on the track, current electronic technology, is virtually impossible the chip has to be controlled within itself.

  30. David Maddon says:

    First the are GPS implants and are in use in the UK by parents with uncontrolled kids who otherwise might end up killing themselves or others if not given the supervision required by law of their parents. The one personal case case i know of was done during a procedure that the child was told was a birth implant control maybe noraplant? so if anyone who says how scared or burned or any of that crap you know they are full of shit. If you ever suffered the loss of a child due to kid napping most likely in to a sex slave ring you would shut your mouth. Never having know what ever came of them ever. All children are required under UK law to be told upon maturity and i believe the cost of removal is included in the implant cost so all the new young adult has to due is have it show up. As for Joe Biden I was just telling of technologies to come not announcing a gov’t plan to do so…Besides it is not the government who will try to force this but BIG CORPERATIONS.

  31. joe berry says:

    No chip will ever be implanted in this ole boy unless I am already dead.if they try they should have a cell phone close to call themselves an ambulance.

  32. Mike holland says:

    No one can make u take the mark of the beast a person must take it by their own free will. You must believe that God sent his son our Savior Jesus. THAT is all he ask of us to truely believe in him.

  33. Paulette says:

    For all my fellow Chrisitans satan is at war with us and so is the U.S. legislation the Bible states that if you accept the 666 you are condemed to hell. Please share the word accept Christ into you heart as your personal Savious. Ye must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God. Share the word. Don’t let them chip you. Rebuke Satan in the name of the Lord out Jesus Christ.

  34. Gringa says:

    They can chip you when you are having an operation and you will never know it. I have heard it has been happening for years. You will never know you have one.

  35. Chip Chippychip says:

    Hospitals in Charlotte, NC (Carolinas Healthcare System) already have the “readers” installed in their ERs (I worked for them in an IT capacity. I’ve seen them firsthand). The chips are coming, like it or not. You can always go live in a tent in the woods if you don’t want to join the masses, move to another country.

    • Chip Chippychip says:

      Oh… almost forgot – Bush was in his second term when they were installed, so you f*cktards can quit blaming Obama.

  36. Lee Maltese says:

    US Gov. Darpa Howard Raymond Stated Jay Leno gets 100 million a year for Wifi Tower Service-Implanting The USA . “War Of The Worlds” Alien Takeover. US Covert Gov. Darpa Microwaving Alien Spacecraft Threats And Alien Colonies For Technology! US Darpa Gov. Agent Howard Raymond States Obama US Covert Gov. Darpa said some Aliens were hostile and are taking over the US and world and uses silent microwave weapons. Most of these aliens were from 1 planet. Raymond stated Gov. is covering up the predicted War Of The Worlds and the Aliens are taking over and Obama was the AC! Howard said Obama and Bill planned US Wifi Civilian Implants for years and Bill would take over US Darpa if Obama was impeached.

    You are probably already Darpa Invisibly wifi micro retina right eye implanted! Gov. Darpa Democratic Millionaire Implanters get 1 to 2 million a year depending on their income.Howard uses a CA. Wifi Jay Leno Comedy Club torture implant program and he said Jay Leno’s Wifi Gov. Towers and implant Comedy Club torture warfare micro program for West USA and Jay gets 100 million a year for this.

    Howard Obama Heroin Drug Law Immune said Gov. Obama Exe. Darpa (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) are trying to fly and operate some captured alien crafts and the aliens are not co-operative in teaching them their technology or how to fly the space craft and use microwave weapon tech. Howard said David has an alien surgery laser . Howard (Gay) stated his husband lover cousin Darpa Tech. David T. said US Darpa uses microwave weapons to attack and kill these Aliens from another world that are a threat to US and microwave weapons were used in The Persun Gulf War. But no one knew it was a secret! Howard said Obama changes laws makes him immune to them for him in CA.

    I am a victim of US Covert Obama Gov. The unknown operation for electronic mind control of the US and world.
    Raymond said he and his sup. Obama violated My Constitutional Rights, Freedom of Speech, Invasion of Privacy, Demonic Wifi Mind Possession!
    I wrote ” The US is going down” 3 yrs.ago on Virtuagirl.com message boards and Howard said showed it to Obama and I got an Invisible Advanced Alien Tech, Darpa wifi implant from my my computer’s monitor from Howard house 72310 Blue Ridge Ct. Palm Desert, CA. 92260 his wifi death Threats. .
    Gov. DARPA – (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Invisible Wifi Advaned Alien Tech. (Invisible like a computer program download) retina right eye implant from comp. monitor using a Gov. Computer Howard Raymond wifi’s your house then can view and sell members at his thousands of Gov. Porn and Gov. Sites. Installing an invisible micro program implant from the net his home to your computer’s monitor or cell phone into the retina of your right eye, he said doing millions of other porn viewers from thousands of his porn sites and Gov. Sites.

    Darpa invented the Internet and are installing Invisible Retina Right Eye Micros for surveillance and mind control.Howard said it’s not a 666 implant but a warfare surveillance micro for warfare US and Alien Microwave Wars.
    Invisible Retina Right Eye Implant can be installed from your computer, cell phone, radio or TV and use Gov. and porn sites.
    Greatest crime. Raymond said Gov. Darpa invisible alien tech. invaded my home-body, privacy, electronically invisibly implanted us and sold our sex from our privacy to Virtuagirl.com, and wifi Darpa Warfare Dept. tortured us then implanted all my relatives and local police and DA. They use Gov. records and authority of the President to null Constitutional Laws.

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