-National Guard Patrolled Pittsburgh Neighborhoods.

Posted: April 26, 2010 in 2010, Articles

KDKA | Feb 8, 2010

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) –In the aftermath of the weekend’s storm, hundreds of National Guard members have been helping Pittsburgh’s emergency personnel respond to residents’ needs; and beginning tonight, they’re also going to be patrolling some city streets.

“We will also begin to have the National Guard patrol our neighborhoods to deal with any issues that come up,” Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl announced at an afternoon news conference. “So city residents,” he added, “be advised that you will begin to see National Guard Humvees in some of your neighborhoods beginning this evening.”

The mayor praised the efforts of the 300 Guard members who have been helping the city.

“The National Guard… has assisted police with roughly 75 calls. They’ve assisted EMS with roughly 40 calls. That process is working really, really well.”

“Talking with our public safety folks,” the mayor added, “they can give examples of times where the Humvees and the National Guard have assisted them in getting into areas that they otherwise would not have been able to get to.”

In addition, Ravenstahl says they will be helping to ensure that the city can respond to residents’ urgent needs.

“The National Guard will also be available for emergency-type situations for individuals that may have had to stay in their house the last three or four days; so if you have dialysis or insulin needs or you have some sort of pills that you need to get, you can call our 311 line; we’ll prioritize and we’ll attempt to get the National Guard out to help you with anything that you need,” Ravenstahl said.

With crews working around the clock to clear the city’s streets before another snowstorm moves into the area, Ravenstahl asked people to stay home if they are able to do so.

“We’re still encouraging everybody to not be out if they can avoid being out, we’re encouraging them to stay home. Don’t be out if you don’t have to,” Ravenstahl said.

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