Archive for September, 2008

Debate rages over blocks that can be snapped together to build prisons anywhere, at any time

Steve Watson
Thursday, Sept 25 2008

Pictures of concrete prison cells being unloaded from wagons in Utah earlier this month have surfaced on the internet, causing a storm of debate over their purpose.

The cells are designed specifically so they can be snapped together side by side and on top of each other like lego blocks to form rows and columns.

Each block looks to contain 2 cells of little more than six feet square each.

The pictures first appeared earlier this week on the alternative news website

According to the owners of that website, the pictures were taken on Monday, September 8 2008 at around 3 PM at University Ave, East Bay, Provo in Utah.

Since that time they have spread to various forums and websites, sparking off a lively debate as to who these cells are for and in what circumstances their use is envisioned.

Scroll down for more pictures.

Those suspecting a sinister use for the cells have described them as “portable prisons” and argued that they may be being readied to deal with mass civil unrest in America.

The surfacing of the pictures dovetails with news that U.S. troops returning from duty in Iraq will be carrying out homeland patrols in America from October 1st in complete violation of Posse Comitatus for the purposes of helping with “civil unrest and crowd control”.

Others have also linked the discovery of the cells to a similar story of hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins recently uncovered in Georgia.

The less conspiracy minded have asserted that the precast concrete facilities have been in production since the 1980s and represent what is known as “modular construction”, which is also used sometimes to build hotels and other permanent structures.

“They integrate everything at the factory (lighting/plumbing/security hardware) and ship it directly to where ever the prison/jail/correctional facility/internment camp is at. Lift cells up, drop in place, splice a few wires and pipes, and voila! Instant prison.” writes one commenter on reddit.

What is not up for debate however is that the United States has less than 5 percent of the world’s population, but it now has almost a quarter of the world’s prisoners.

According to the prison studies center, the US has 751 people in prison or jail for every 100,000 in population. That means that if you count only adults, one in 100 Americans is locked up. Those figures dwarf any other nation, including China which is four times more populous than the US.

However, from these pictures it is apparent that there still aren’t enough cells, and more cheap and quick prisons are being built with taxpayer dollars.

Another fact not up for debate is that there is a coordinated federal government program to build civilian detention camps at undisclosed locations throughout the United States, in conjunction with the Army and the Pentagon.

There is no debate over the fact that the prison industry in the “land of the free” is out of control.

Computer World:

In a new study that has potentially Orwellian implications, ABI Research projects that revenue for video surveillance software will quadruple over the next five years.

According to ABI Vice President and Research Director Stan Schatt, revenue generated from surveillance software will increase to more than US$900 million in 2013, up from current revenues of US$245 million. Schatt says there are several big drivers for this increase, including increased spending on security systems by the government, on theft prevention systems by retail outlets and on surveillance by market researchers. Additionally, he says that the advent of Wi-Fi has made it possible to place wireless cameras just about anywhere while still sending footage back to a central location.

Looking at the broader picture, Schatt says that technological advances are also increasing the scope and the potential uses of video surveillance. He says that one of the more disturbing uses is the ability of store marketing departments to actually monitor the eyeball movements of customers to figure out what products or displays draw their attention.

“When stores have the ability to observe you as you walk through a store, what I can imagine is that more and more stores will try to basically have a pretty in-depth knowledge of their customers,” he says. “So let’s say for instance the store issues you a discount card that also has a radio frequency ID that identifies who you are. And then let’s say they observe you looking at, but not actually purchasing, movies in the adult video section. Well, the next thing you know you’re getting all these promotional materials for racy movies you’re not even interested in.”

Schatt also notes that more and more banks are looking into installing cameras with face recognition ability to help prevent robberies before they even occur. Thus, when a known bank robber enters a bank, the camera can recognize his face and send out an alert. Casinos are already deploying this sort of face recognition software to monitor their employees, Schatt says, and using it to detect when certain employees enter into unauthorized areas and alerting the security team.

Schatt believes that as more surveillance equipment becomes increasingly digitized and software-reliant, it will increasingly move into the purview of IT departments. And because the surveillance software vastly broadens the extent to which companies and governments can watch people, it will inevitably create privacy concerns that will have to be addressed.

“Down the road our behavior is going to be observed much more frequently, and that has all kind of implications,” he says. “I mean, the fact that they’re actually looking at your eyeball movements shows we’ve reached a whole new realm of surveillance capabilities.”

Alright people. Here’s a shot at reclaiming any notion of ‘democracy’. The “Fed” devalues our currency and helped create the housing meltdown that has lead to all of this. They can also be thanked for the Great Depression, and so on. Dig thru my “Federal Reserve” posts and do some web searches if any of this is news to you. The Fed is a privately owned bank, and they are in the process of claiming literally 80% ownership of AIG for a $85 billion loan, for one tiny example.

Until this privately owned tyrannical institution is brought down, the idea that these presidential ‘elections’ and the elected government at large is even remotely legitimate, and that electing a candidate who doesn’t speak out against it will bring any REAL change is laughable at best. It all begins here.

Lite up the phone lines of your states elected officials at Capital Hill and tell them enough is enough. You can count on feeling satisfaction from that.

The Right Perspective:

Constitutional Conservative Ron Paul has introduced H.R. 2755, the “Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act“, which will repeal the Federal Reserve Act and abolish the US Federal Reserve at the end of 1 year after its passing into law.

The 1 year time frame will be a “winding down” period, overseen by the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, who will continue to pay employees and operate day-to day dealings.

The OMB Director will begin liquidating the Fed’s assets, which will put into the General Fund of the Treasury. The Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget will report back to Congress at the end of 18 months.

The Texas Congressman has been a long time critic of the US Federal Reserve, ran a grassroots campaign for the Republican Party nomination of President of the United States. Paul was derided by many within his own party for his stance on the Iraq War. Despite poor showings in polls, Rep. Paul used his presidential campaign as a bully pulpit for small government and a strict interpretation of the US Constitution, which has since found an increasing acceptance by conservatives, including political commentators Glenn Beck and Chuck Norris.

Ron Paul blasting Fed Chairman Ben Bernake today:

Danger Room:

Pakistani forces may or may not have shot at American troops last week. They may or may not have taken down a U.S. drone yesterday. But, according to one U.S. Marine lieutenant colonel, Pakistani military forces almost certainly “flew repeated helicopter missions into Afghanistan to resupply the Taliban during a fierce battle in June 2007.”

U.S. Marine lieutenant colonel Chris Nash tells Army Times‘ scoopster Sean Naylor
his men and their allies from the Afghan Border Police’s 1st Brigade were battling Taliban militants in Afghanistan’s Tora Bora mountains. “At a critical point in the battle, the Pakistanis flew several resupply missions to a Taliban base about 15 to 20 kilometers inside Afghanistan.”

Pakistan’s notorious Inter-Services Intelligence agency has been assisting radical Islamic forces in Afghanistan for decades. But did this incident really go down the way Nash said it did? The evidence isn’t exactly rock-solid.

None of the Marines witnessed the helicopter flights during the four days they were there, he said in a Sept. 19 e-mail. Rather, the supply flights had been reported to them by Afghan soldiers and local civilians in the village of Tangay Kholl…

This was consistent with multiple other reports Nash and his Marines received during that period, he said.

Downside World News:

– Sibel Edmonds State Secrets Gallery Connects Pipeline Politics, Madrassas & the Turkish Proxies

In a recent immigration court case involving Turkish Islamic Leader, Fetullah Gulen, US prosecutors exposed an illegal, covert, CIA operation involving the intentional Islamization of Central Asia. This operation has been ongoing since the fall of the Soviet Union in an ongoing Cold War to control the vast energy resources of the region – Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan – estimated to be worth $3 trillion.

Court Case
The scene for these dramatic disclosures was an application for a Green Card in the Eastern District Court in Philadelphia by “controversial Islamic scholar” Fetullah Gulen. Gulen, who has been living in the United States since 1998, argued that he qualified for the Green Card as “an extraordinarily talented academic.”

The court case was covered extensively by the Turkish press. Leading Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported:

“Gülen’s financial resources were detailed in the public prosecutor’s arguments, which claimed that Saudi Arabia, Iran, the Turkish government, and the Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA, were behind the Gülen movement. It stated that some businessmen in Ankara donated 10 to 70 percent of their annual income to the movement and that it corresponded to $20,000 to $300,000 per year per person. It added that one businessman in Istanbul donated $4-5 million each year and that young people graduating from Gülen’s schools donated between $2,000 and $5,000 each year.”
Another leading Turkish newspaper reported (translated by Rastibini)

Among the reasons given by the US State Department’s attorneys as to why Gülen’s permanent residence application was refused, is the suspicion of CIA financing of his movement.
. . .
“There is even CIA suspicion”

“Because of the large amount of money that Gülen’s movement uses to finance his projects, there are claims that he has secret agreements with Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Turkic governments. There are suspicions that the CIA is a co-payer in financing these projects,” claimed the attorneys.
. . .
Among the documents that the state attorneys presented, there are claims about the Gülen movement’s financial structure and it was emphasized that the movement’s economic power reached $25 billion. “Schools, newspapers, universities, unions, television channels . . . The relationship among these are being debated. There is no transparency in their work,” claimed the attorneys.”

Who is Gulen?
Fetullah Gulen is “a 67-year-old Turkish Sufi cleric, author and theoretician,” according to a recent profile in the UK’s Prospect magazine. Prospect ran a public poll last month to find the world’s greatest living intellectual. Gulen ‘won’ the poll after his newspapers alerted readers to the poll’s existence. Gulen is also the leader of the so-called ‘Gulen Movement’ which claims to have seven million followers worldwide. The Gulen Movement has extensive business interests, including “publishing activities (books, newspapers, and magazines), construction, healthcare, and education.”

Gulen and the CIA
The fact that the prosecutors in the court cite documents that claim that Gulen has been financed in part by the CIA is remarkable for a number of reasons, even though there have been strong suspicions about the CIA’s involvement in the Gulen Movement for years. The Russian intelligence agency, the FSB, has repeatedly taken action against the Gulen movement for acting as a front organization for the CIA. In December 2002, Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported:

“Russian secret service claims: Turkish religious brotherhood works for CIA

The FSB, the Russian intelligence organization formerly called the KGB, has claimed that the ‘Nurcus’ religious brotherhood in Turkey has engaged in espionage on behalf of the CIA through the companies and foundations it has founded. FSB head Nikolay Patrushev has mentioned the names of these companies and foundations, saying, ‘The brotherhood engages in anti-Russian activities via two companies, Serhad and Eflak, as well as foundations such as Toros, Tolerans and Ufuk.’ Patrushev has accused the brotherhood of conducting pan-Turkish propaganda, of trying to convert Russian youths to Islam by sowing the seeds of enmity, and of engaging in certain lobbying activities. These companies and foundations have turned up in the internet site of Fethullah Gulen alleged leader of the Nurcu religious community currently living in the United States who is a defendant in several court cases in Turkey, accused of engaging in anti-secularist activities.””
Russia has banned all of Gulen’s madrassas, and in April of this year, banned the Nurcu Movement completely.

Gulen’s Madrassas
The Gulen Movement founded madrassas all over the world in the 1990’s, most of them in the newly independent Turkic republics of Central Asia – Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan – and Russia.

These madrassas appear to be used as a front for enabling CIA and State Department officials to operate undercover in the region, with many of the teachers operating under diplomatic passports.

Why Central Asia?
Central Asia, with its vast energy wealth, is of major interest to US oil and gas companies. The region is also of key strategic interest in the ‘Great Game’ as Russia, China and the US compete for dwindling energy supplies. The US government has been using Turkey as a proxy to gain control over Central Asia via Pan-Turkic nationalism and religion.

Sibel Edmonds Case
Twenty six people wrote reference letters supporting Gulen’s application for a Green Card – most notably ex-CIA agent George Fidas, former Turkish ambassador Morton Abramowitz, and former CIA Deputy Director Graham Fuller who appears in Sibel Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege Gallery.

I called Sibel Edmonds to comment on the latest revelations. She said:

You’ve got to look at the big picture. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the super powers began to fight over control of Central Asia, particularly the oil and gas wealth, as well as the strategic value of the region.

Given the history, and the distrust of the West, the US realized that it couldn’t get direct control, and therefore would need to use a proxy to gain control quickly and effectively. Turkey was the perfect proxy; a NATO ally and a puppet regime. Turkey shares the same heritage/race as the entire population of Central Asia, the same language (Turkic), the same religion (Sunni Islam), and of course, the strategic location and proximity.

This started more than a decade-long illegal, covert operation in Central Asia by a small group in the US intent on furthering the oil industry and the Military Industrial Complex, using Turkish operatives, Saudi partners and Pakistani allies, furthering this objective in the name of Islam.

This is why I have been saying repeatedly that these illegal covert operations by the Turks and certain US persons dates back to 1996, and involves terrorist activities, narcotics, weapons smuggling and money laundering, converging around the same operations and involving the same actors.

And I want to emphasize that this is “illegal” because most, if not all, of the funding for these operations is not congressionally approved funding, but it comes from illegal activities.

And one last thing, take a look at the people in the State Secrets Privilege Gallery on my website and you will see how these individuals can be traced to the following; Turkey, Central Asia, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia – and the activities involving these countries.
Many of the people in Sibel’s State Secrets Privilege Gallery are closely connected to Gulen, and each other, as well as the operations that Sibel mentions. Many of them have actively advocated for using Muslims to further their own needs – from Turkistan to Albania and Central Asia.

Marc Grossman, former State Department #3 and former Turkish ambassador, and one of the key named individuals in Sibel’s case, is currently receiving $1.2 million per annum from Ihlas Holding, a Gulen-linked Turkish conglomerate. Sibel has previously referred to Ihlas as ’semi-legitimate’ and ‘alleged shady’ – and emphasized that Grossman’s current payoff is a result of services performed while he was in office.

Grossman’s predecessor as ambassador in Turkey was Morton Abramowitz – in fact, Grossman actually worked under Abramowitz in Ankara for a number of years. During that period, the US opened an espionage investigation into activities at the embassy involving Major Douglas Dickerson, a weapons procurement specialist for Central Asia. Dickerson and his wife, an FBI translator, later became famous when they tried to recruit Sibel to spy for this criminal network.

Abramowitz, who is not listed in Sibel’s State Secrets Privilege Gallery, wrote a letter in support of Gulen for his immigration case. He has long advocated the use of Islamic fighters in furtherance of US interests, including the Afghan mujaheddin against the Soviets and the Kosovo Liberation Army during the war in the Balkans, acting as an advisor to the Kosovar Albanians.

Another player from Sibel’s Gallery is Enver Yusuf Turani – Prime Minister of East Turkistan, a ‘country’ recognized by only one country, the United States. East Turkistan, aka Xinjiang, is officially a part of China, and home to the Uyghur people and the “Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement,” a UN-nominated terrorist organization “funded mainly by Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda network and received training, support and personnel from both the al-Qaeda and the Taliban regime of Afghanistan.” In fact, the Uyghurs constitute a significant percentage of detainees – at least 22 – at Guantanamo Bay since 2001. Five of those have been set free, and were eventually sent to Albania, amid much controversy.

According to TurkPulse:

“One of the main tools Washington is using in this affair in order to get Turkey involved in the Xinjiang affair is some Turkish Americans, primarily the Fetullah Gulen team who are prosecuted in absentia in Turkey for trying to found a theocratic State order in this country because he runs his activities from the United States, his protégé. Another Turk used in this affair is Enver Yusuf Turani, who is the self styled Foreign and Prime Minister of the East Turkistan Government in exile. He has been an American citizen since 1998. Enver Yusuf is in close cooperation with Fetullah Gulen… Their activities for the government in exile are based on a report entitled “the Xinjiang Project” drafted by Graham Fuller in 1998 for the Rand Corporation and revised in 2003 under the title “the Xinjiang Problem.” It emphasises the importance of the Xinjiang Autonomous region in encircling China and provides a strategy for it.”
In fact, Abramowitz and Fuller were key players in the establishment of ‘East Turkistan,’
“proclaiming the government in exile within 4-5 months, starting in May (2004) and completing the proclamation in mid- September. The ceremony was held at Capitol Hill under American flags in Washington.”
Two others from Sibel’s gallery, Sabri Sayari and Alan Makovsky, have been similarly involved with Gulen, Fuller, and Abramowitz – co-authoring books and articles, making joint appearances, dinners etc.

Illegal Operations
Earlier I quoted Sibel saying
“And I want to emphasize that this is “illegal” because most, if not all, of the funding for these operations is not congressionally approved funding, but it comes from illegal activities.”
Where does this funding come from? Narcotics trafficking, nuclear black market, weapons smuggling, and terrorist activities. As Sibel makes clear in her The Highjacking of a Nation article, the management of the heroin industry from the farms in Afghanistan to the streets of London and elsewhere “requires highly sophisticated networks,” from the protection of the convoys from Afghanistan through Central Asia to their final destination, to the laundering of the billions of dollars in proceeds in Central Asian casinos and financial institutions in Dubai and Cyprus. “So, who are the real lords of Afghanistan’s poppy fields?” Sibel asks. The heroin trade finances al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but they aren’t the real lords of the poppy fields. Journalist Ahmed Rashid, author of “Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia ” and other similar books about these issues recently noted on Democracy Now that a “cartel” controls Afghanistan’s heroin, which supplies 93% of global heroin supply.

Sibel has been trying to tell us about these operations for years, but has been gagged by the State Secrets Privilege which was invoked citing certain ’sensitive foreign diplomatic and business relationships.’ These ’sensitive relationships’ have now been exposed to a degree, thanks to the immigration case against Mr Gulen – one of the Turkish operatives who have been fronting for the CIA in the Islamization of Central Asia, incorporating drug trafficking, money laundering, and the nuclear black market, and the convergence with terrorism.

One Last Question
At the end of our interview, Sibel asked me to leave you with this question:

“After 911, the US Government engaged in mock investigations and shut down many small Islamic charities and organizations, giving the appearance of action in the so-called ‘War on Terror.’ Why did they harbor, support and resource Fethullah Gulen’s $25 billion madrassa-and-mosque-establishment efforts throughout the Central Asian region and the Balkans?”